Nappy Cakes By Emma- Getting the delivery date right every time with Transdirect

Quick and accurate delivery is crucial for sustainable success in any time-sensitive ecommerce business.
Nappy Cakes by Emma are focused on offering gifts for new mothers by assembling practical newborn supplies into a cake shape. These gifts are a favourite for baby showers and a saviour for last-minute gift buyers.
Emma – the founder and owner of Nappy Cakes by Emma, quickly discovered the importance of fast and reliable delivery dates for her customers.
Emma’s target audience needs a rock solid commitment to on-time delivery as the date of the baby shower event is non-negotiable. The nappy cakes are also fragile gifts – which makes careful handling and shipping an imperative. If any packages are damaged during the delivery process, the entire gift (and the customer’s special moment) is ruined.
Nappy Cakes by Emma have never received a complaint regarding damaged products while using Transdirect’s services – a record both companies are proud of.
Transdirect provides Emma with immediate quotes on delivery dates and concrete costs for any ecommerce orders lodged on her store. After each gift is hand-made, Emma books in each of her parcels for delivery through the Transdirect website.
The speed and accuracy of Transdirect’s quotes give Emma the peace of mind to focus on maximising other areas of the customer’s experience. Emma can get back to her customers almost instantly with a customised quote and potential delivery date. This smooth ordering and delivery process helps Emma turn one-time buyers into loyal customers.
Emma uses a mix of flat rate and variable shipping – metro customers have a fixed flat rate, and regional customers get a variable rate. The flexibility Transdirect can offer gives Emma the best quote for her customers, every time.
“I would definitely recommend using Transdirect. The instant shipping calculator is very easy to use, they offer great prices, quick delivery and superb customer support.”
Emma’s flourishing ecommerce business should be an inspiration to any ecommerce entrepreneur. With a quality product, a well-defined niche, and a customer focused delivery process – anyone can build a profitable online business.
Emma has some sage advice for ecommerce entrepreneurs looking for sustainable success
“Go above and beyond for each and every customer. They are the key to growth.”
Your business can be just like Emma’s – contact Transdirect and we can help you achieve ecommerce success.