Case Study: Printing ASAP - Transdirect


In the age of iPhones and online shopping, It’s more important than ever to ensure you are staying ahead of the competition – even if this means changing your entire business to suit new market demands.

For Printing ASAP, the burgeoning paperless world represented a significant challenge to the business, whose main revenue came from printing letterheads and envelopes with their clients’ logos.

Proactivity and preparation were key for the 27-year-old Victorian-based organisation, who recognised the changing world meant waving goodbye to printing letterheads and saying hello to the world of printing promotional material and entering the creative landscape of graphic design.

What did remain the same was the commitment to getting their goods to their customer’s door on time. Missing a deadline is simply not an option for this business.

Enter Transdirect.

Printing ASAP were looking for the best price for shipping their goods and needed a way to do this efficiently (and cost effectively!) They found Transdirect’s shipping calculator and it was a match made in shipping paradise. The team at Printing ASAP simply enter the dimensions of their packages, the postcode they’re sending to, and the weight of the package into the calculator and they instantly have the best shipping options at their fingertips.

Director Megan Seccull loves Transdirect’s services, “We can make an informed decision on which courier to use based on cost and delivery time. We would absolutely recommend Transdirect.”

Transdirect have helped Printing ASAP streamline their shipping process, thanks to the user-friendly member’s area and the ability to pick the best courier for the job, at the best price.

The member’s area provides a one-stop shop for booking in new jobs, tracking current jobs, and having a record of the previous orders. This makes customer service a breeze for the printing pros, as there is easy data input for invoice numbers and tracking numbers. If a customer calls wanting to know where their package is, the team has the answers for them in no time at all.

Talk about peace of mind.

Printing ASAP provides the shipping cost when they are quoting the job, allowing them to offer super fast shipping based on the customer’s needs and deadlines. There is no such thing as shipping eating into profit margins at Printing ASAP – there is a set cost based on the needs of the customer, and if Transdirect offers a cheaper price… Winner winner chicken dinner.

For new businesses, Megan has the following advice,

“Get onto Transdirect. You can get an indication of shipping costs for different package sizes straight away. Use the tool to inform your decisions on shipping costs for your new store – it’ll save you lots of money in the long run”.

Check out our member’s area today – we offer fantastic discounts to our loyal members and would love to welcome you to the Transdirect family.

We’ve got you covered. Send with Transdirect and start saving today!Get a Quote